The event is hosted by Elana Johnson. Go to Elana's blog and enter to win a free copy of Variant by Robison Wells.
So today, I'm talking about my friend Michelle Argyle's Monarch.
Here's my review from Goodreads: Monarch is an intricate blend of the literary and thriller genres. The pacing is relentless. The scenes gritty and real. The characters as intricate as the plot that twists around them.
If you crave literary books with a plot as strong as the writing, you'll love Michelle Argyle's Monarch.
Here's the BLLuRT's for Michelle's book.
- Michelle's Website
- MONARCH on Amazon
- Michelle on Facebook
- Michelle on Twitter
- My review of MONARCH on Goodreads
- Enter to win MONARCH on Goodreads list (make sure you add it to your "to read" list!)
- Become a fan of Michelle on Goodreads
Book Tour links for those following along:
Monday, September 5: (The Interview with Jessica's will be moved to another date and time). Instead, you can read a real life recipe from the book (Honeycakes and Golden Curry Soup) as created by Christy Dorrity at Dearest Dreams. http://www.dearestdreams.com/2011/08/tasty-tuesday-golden-curry-soup-and.html
Tuesday, September 6: Cassandra at CA Marshall (Character Interview) http://www.camarshall.com/2011/09/witch-song-desert-island-edition.html
Wednesday, September 7: Amy at Reading Teen (Review) http://ReadingTeen.net/
Thursday, September 8: Christie at The Fiction Enthusiast (In Her Own Words) http://thefictionenthusiast.blogspot.com/
Friday, September 9: Nicole at Books Complete Me (Tens List)
And another review: http://ayareader.blogspot.com/2011/09/review-witch-song.html
Michelle Argyle. Amber Argyle. Relation?
I've seen blurbs on Monarch here and there about the blogosphere. Sounds like a neat read. Thanks for sharing, and for mentioning this event. Elana rocks the events! :)