Amber Argyle Books Free!
Posted by
1:13 PM
Monday, November 13, 2017
Not really.
Well, you CAN get four of my novels free if you sign up for my newsletter. But that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is piracy (downloading a book on file sharing sites). The author receives no money for these downloads.
Argument: But authors are rich!
Truth: The average author advance is $3,000. For my first book (WITCH SONG), I received ZERO advance.
Argument: It's just a file - it literally costs nothing.
Truth: My books cost $3,000-$5,000 to produce plus a year of my life.
Argument: It's no different than loaning a book out to someone.
Truth: Someone bought the book in the first place, so the author received compensation. Also, books wear out after a while, so the number of times it can be shared it limited.
It's really very simple. Series have been canceled because an author's first books haven't sold well enough. Which means no more books. Authors have had to quit writing because they can't pay their bills. Which means no more books.
If you really can't afford to pay 99C to 4.99 for a book, get them at the library. Don't steal them.
{Cover Reveal} Stolen Enchantress (Forbidden Forest #1)
Posted by
9:58 AM
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Rafflecopter Giveaway of Signed Summer Queen
Posted by
2:35 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Want a chance to win a signed copy of Summer Queen? Of course you do! Head on over to my Rafflecopter giveaway to enter to win!
Your Worth is Not Diminished Because My Light Shines Differently
Posted by
7:00 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
I generally get one of three reactions when people learn I'm an author:
1. Barely concealed disdain or the barely restrained urge to make a warding sign. I figure this is mostly because they haven't heard of me. Therefore I'm a hack. These people generally only talk to me if they're in desperate need to know where the bathroom is (and I always make sure I know the answer to that question).
2. Surprise. I sit behind a table full of books, an author sign behind me, and talk to people. Inevitably, they ask me what I'm doing. They're always shocked when I explain I'm an author. The books and sign obviously aren't obvious enough.
3. Nervousness and its running mate: awe
These two probably bother me more than the disdain. It's almost like people think less of themselves next to me, and I hate nothing more than people who make others feel small and worthless (vestiges from being bullied as a child). I've asked many people why I make them nervous. They inevitably answer that it's because I'm doing something super cool.
Trust me when I say I'm not. I have a talent, yes. But everyone does. My mother is an amazing gardener and quilter. My father a hardworking rancher. My talent isn't worth more than theirs. People sometimes argue with me that because my talent is rarer, it's more prized.
I don't believe that.
What I do involves a lot of daydreaming, sitting in front of a computer until my back aches, and working long hours. I regularly fail - either I neglect my children, house, and husband or I'm neglecting my writing and running a business - which are easily three full-time jobs.
You can't have it all. Not without losing your mind, and trust me, losing your mind isn't worth it.
There are months when I struggle to find time to shower. My house is messier than I'd like. I used to make a lot of money, but I don't anymore, which has been a huge blow for me. So many times, I've wanted to quit. So many times, I've felt like a failure. Like I should get a real job. One that actually pays the bills. That I'm wasting my time.
So no. Don't stand in awe of me. It only makes me even more aware of all my glaring failures. Instead, know that I'm not better than you. Your worth is not diminished because my light shines differently. You have your own light, and the world needs it.
1. Barely concealed disdain or the barely restrained urge to make a warding sign. I figure this is mostly because they haven't heard of me. Therefore I'm a hack. These people generally only talk to me if they're in desperate need to know where the bathroom is (and I always make sure I know the answer to that question).
2. Surprise. I sit behind a table full of books, an author sign behind me, and talk to people. Inevitably, they ask me what I'm doing. They're always shocked when I explain I'm an author. The books and sign obviously aren't obvious enough.
3. Nervousness and its running mate: awe
These two probably bother me more than the disdain. It's almost like people think less of themselves next to me, and I hate nothing more than people who make others feel small and worthless (vestiges from being bullied as a child). I've asked many people why I make them nervous. They inevitably answer that it's because I'm doing something super cool.
Trust me when I say I'm not. I have a talent, yes. But everyone does. My mother is an amazing gardener and quilter. My father a hardworking rancher. My talent isn't worth more than theirs. People sometimes argue with me that because my talent is rarer, it's more prized.
I don't believe that.
What I do involves a lot of daydreaming, sitting in front of a computer until my back aches, and working long hours. I regularly fail - either I neglect my children, house, and husband or I'm neglecting my writing and running a business - which are easily three full-time jobs.
You can't have it all. Not without losing your mind, and trust me, losing your mind isn't worth it.
There are months when I struggle to find time to shower. My house is messier than I'd like. I used to make a lot of money, but I don't anymore, which has been a huge blow for me. So many times, I've wanted to quit. So many times, I've felt like a failure. Like I should get a real job. One that actually pays the bills. That I'm wasting my time.
So no. Don't stand in awe of me. It only makes me even more aware of all my glaring failures. Instead, know that I'm not better than you. Your worth is not diminished because my light shines differently. You have your own light, and the world needs it.
Shine on.
The Evolution of the Modern Day Witch Hunt
Posted by
2:17 PM
Thursday, September 7, 2017
The look on my son's face - I could tell something was wrong. Perhaps he was just scared, but he'd been on a lot more intense rides throughout our day at the amusement park. As soon as the ride was over, he made a beeline to me, burying his head in my stomach, and burst into tears.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
He muffled something unintelligible against my shirt. I gripped his head and tipped his chin upward. "Say it again."
"Some lady called me an asshole."
It was like someone gripped me by the hair and dipped me in a bucket of rage. Who would call an eleven-year old child an asshole? "Did you do something?"
"I was standing on the railing and I guess I dripped on her." It was a water ride that they'd been doing over and over.
He pointed her out. The lady with the black glasses, the insides lined in red. Barefoot (my shoes were dripping wet), I marched over to her. "Excuse me, did you call my son an asshole?"
She lifted her chin proudly. "Yes, I did."
I couldn't believe someone could be proud of talking to a little boy like that. "Why?"
He'd climbed on the railing and dripped on her. She said she'd asked him to move, and he'd told her she was going to get wet anyway. This is where I think the disconnect happened. He felt she'd snapped at him and was defending himself. She didn't know or didn't care if she had snapped at him. Either way, doesn't excuse an adult bullying a little boy.
I tried to explain as much. She shot back that he needed better parenting and said some more rude things about my boy. I told her to grow up and act like an adult. That there was no excuse for talking to an 11 YO child like that. She stormed away, every inch of her drawn up in self-righteous indignation.
The whole situation has made me wonder where people's compassion and tolerance have gone. Today, I've seen posts all over the internet calling for the boy(s) who started the fires in Oregon to spend the rest of their lives in jail. To fine their parents and take away everything they own. To tie them to trees and burn them.
All I can see is the townspeople grabbing their pitchforks to burn the witch.
People would argue that these kids deserve that and worse. That the comparison to witches fails because one group was guilty and the other innocent. I would say that the definition of "sin" is shifting, and while the target may have changed, the mob mentality is the same. Kill the other. Oust the sinner. Brand them with an "A" across their chest and cast them out. Because they deserve it.
How do you know what they deserve?
“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.” ~ JRR Tolkein
What is happening to us? What happened to compassion? What happened to softness? What happened to loving one another? Are we really so eager to see the demise of another? To see them suffer? Aren't we simply decrying them while turning a blind eye to our own guilt?
For the last few days, I've been working on forgiving the woman who bullied my son. I chose kindness, compassion, love, FORGIVENESS. I cast out hate, rooting it from my breast whenever it starts to flourish. I urge you to do the same. Spread sunshine instead of darkness. Compassion instead of hatred. Together, we can make a difference.
*note: I'm not saying these children shouldn't be punished. I'm saying there is a difference between a mob screaming for blood and the order of the law.
I am also not saying that you aren't entitled to feeling angry. But anger is a secondary emotion. What is your primary emotion? A sense of loss? Frustration over one person's stupidity ruining things for everyone else? That always helps me move from working on an emotional level to a logical level.
"So Amber is allowed to feel rage and confront someone, but I'm not?" You feel what you feel. Under the circumstances, I feel I showed remarkable restraint. But you are entitled to your opinion. And in this situation, I was on the front lines. My son needed to see I had his back. He needed someone to stand up for him and defend him when he was defenseless.
"Parents have failed. Their kids have failed." Are you an expert on the subject, or are you just making assumptions based off the news? Cause all I see are parents killing themselves to raise responsible kids. Most are doing phenomenally well. And kids make mistakes. They're learning. Teenagers do dumb things. They should face the consequences of those dumb things, not be flayed alive by hate.
The Evolution of the Modern Day Witch Hunt ~Amber Argyle
*note: I'm not saying these children shouldn't be punished. I'm saying there is a difference between a mob screaming for blood and the order of the law.
I am also not saying that you aren't entitled to feeling angry. But anger is a secondary emotion. What is your primary emotion? A sense of loss? Frustration over one person's stupidity ruining things for everyone else? That always helps me move from working on an emotional level to a logical level.
"So Amber is allowed to feel rage and confront someone, but I'm not?" You feel what you feel. Under the circumstances, I feel I showed remarkable restraint. But you are entitled to your opinion. And in this situation, I was on the front lines. My son needed to see I had his back. He needed someone to stand up for him and defend him when he was defenseless.
"Parents have failed. Their kids have failed." Are you an expert on the subject, or are you just making assumptions based off the news? Cause all I see are parents killing themselves to raise responsible kids. Most are doing phenomenally well. And kids make mistakes. They're learning. Teenagers do dumb things. They should face the consequences of those dumb things, not be flayed alive by hate.
The Evolution of the Modern Day Witch Hunt ~Amber Argyle
Fun, Free, Cheap Family Activities in Magic Valley (Twin Falls) Idaho
Posted by
2:25 PM
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
1. Shoshone Falls
2. Auger Falls (access from River Rd just before Centennial Park)
3. Pillar Falls
4. Twin Falls
5. Balanced Rock (west of Castleford)
6. Wilson Butte Cave (from internment camp, go east on Hunt rd, N on Eden rd)
7. City of Rocks/ Castle Rocks (Declo exit- highway 77 to Almo)
8. Niagra Springs Park and Fish hatchery (North of Buhl)
9. Thousand Springs/ Ritter Island (Hi 30 before Hagerman)
10. Shoshone Ice Caves
11. Idaho Mammoth Caves/ Bird Museum
12. Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge (Rupert)
13. Cauldron Linn (Murtaugh)
14. Shoshone Wildlife Ponds and Hummingbird Feeding station (Rogerson Rd just N of Diamond Field Jack in South Hills)
15. Box Canyon Springs (Wendell)
16. Bruneau Sand Dunes (Mountain Home)
17. Craters of the Moon (Malta)
Museums and History Sites
1. Herret Center and Planetarium
2. Twin Falls Visitor Center
3. Twin Falls County Museum (Hi 30)
4. Idaho Heritage Museum (Hollister)
5. Striker Rock Creek Station (Hansen)
6. Cassia County Museum (Main St, Burley)
7. Minidoka County Historical Museum (Rupert)
8. Jerome County Historical Museum
9. Hagerman Fossil beds and visitor center
10. Hagerman Valley Historical Museum
11. Oakley Valley Historical Museum
12. Minidoka Internment Camp (N on H-50, turns into H-25, right on Hunt rd)
13. Three Island Crossing and Oregon Trail Interpretive Center (Glenns Ferry)
14. Milner Dam (East of Murtaugh)
1. Canyon Rim Trail
2. Hidden Lakes
3. Rock Creek
4. Centennial Trail (Shoshone Falls)
5. Malad Gorge (Tuttle exit)
6. Phantom Falls (Drive a mile west out of Oakley, then take Goose Creek Road south. Skirt the north side of Goose Creek Reservoir, and the road will become Trapper Creek Road (forest road 533). About 20 miles after leaving Oakley, you’ll arrive at a fork. Turn left and look for the Phantom Falls Trail sign.)
7. Ross Falls (Trailhead is in a parking lot 2 miles before Magic Mountain)
8. Eagle Loop (Trailhead is on S end of Pettit Campground in South Hills)
9. Rim View Trail Head
10. Wahistrom Hollow (5 mile one way)
--drop off car at 3rd fork, drive to Wahistorm hollow and hike down to your car.
11. Harrington Fork
Handy app
Avenza Maps—FREE!
1. Yes on access location
2. I’m new. Fill out email and password. Activate through email
3. Search: Sawtooth National Forest:
a. Sawtooth NF Minidoka RD and Sawtooth NF South Hills Trail Map
1. Cross the I.B. Perrine Bridge and watch base jumpers
2. Zipline the canyon
3. Dierkes Lake
4. Splash Pad at First Federal Park
5. Jump Time
6. Downtown Historic Walk (brochures at Parks and Rec)
7. Hands On
8. Skateland
9. Laser Mania
10. Putters Mini Golf
11. Movies at the Orpheum
12. Nat-Soo-Pah
13. Clear Springs Food Fish tanks and Park (N. of Buhl)
14. Cloverleaf Creamery (205 Broadway ave, Buhl)
15. Lake Walcott Park (Rupert)
16. Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir (Rogerson)
17. Kasota Park (off freeway)
18. Miracle/Banbury Hot springs (Hi 30 between Buhl and Hagerman)
19. Free bowling Monday-Thursday this summer from 11am-5pm at Bowladrome. You just need to pay for shoes each time. Sign up here:
20. Fish Hatchery in Buhl
21. FREE fishing days: --You DO NOT need a license.
22. Rock Creek Road: 1 mile or so past dirt road there’s a marshy area—great to see moose at night/early morning.
23. $1 kid movies at the mall
New Description for Winter Queen
Posted by
6:46 PM
Monday, May 1, 2017
"A captivating series!" –Jennifer A. Nielsen, NYT bestselling author of The False Prince
A dark twist on The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, Winter Queen shows how the Snow Queen came into power.Mortally wounded during a raid, seventeen-year-old Ilyenna is healed by winter fairies who present her with a seductive offer: her soul in exchange for escape from the invaders stealing over the mountains.
Refusing to abandon her family, she returns to her village and offers up herself as a hostage to save her father’s life. Struggling to survive Darrien’s cruelty, Ilyenna fin
ds a measure of solace in her fellow prisoner, Rone’s, arms. But it isn’t long before she discovers the feud between their clans is merely a distraction from something far worse.
Ilyenna must decide whether to resurrect the power the fairies left behind. Doing so will allow her to defeat Darrien and the other invaders, but if she embraces winter, she will lose herself to that destroying powers—forever.
Winner of the Rone Award for Best Fantasy/Science Fiction of 2014
#GoodreadsGiveaway of Summer Queen
Posted by
4:41 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
{Mega Sale} Every One of my Books on Sale for $2.99 or less
Posted by
5:24 PM
Saturday, March 18, 2017
The Case of the Missing Birthday Ring
Posted by
4:12 PM
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
It all started with hushed whispers, that escalated to hushed shouts, which escalated to tears and threats. All held behind a locked door.
Wondering what on earth was going on, I asked my daughter when she came out. She only burst into tears, stormed to her room, and slammed the door.
When pressed, my husband only mumbled, "Don't worry about it. Yet."
This behavior escalated for about ten minutes, finally involving an angry, red-faced teenager, who finally let the truth slip.
My daughter found my birthday present (apparently a beautiful ring) and played with it. When she was nearly caught, she shoved the box in her brother's backpack to avoid detection. And then completely forgot about it.
After much weeping and wailing, she finally remembered. Upon questioning, the teenager reported that he had found a woman's ring and had turned it into the school office.
Husband rushed to the school and found the ring in the lost and found.
This kind of stuff only happens to us.
{Appearances} LTUE Classes + Signing
Posted by
1:45 PM
I'm excited to be teaching at LTUE in Provo, Utah Feb. 16th through the 18th, 2017. My schedule is as follows:
Thur 4:00 PM Teaching a class on "Working with an Illustrator/Designer"
Friday 6-8 pm Book Signing Sat 9:00 AM Moderator for "Writing Part-time vs. Full-time"
Sat 3:00 PM Plot Panelist for "The Beginning, Murky Middle, and End"
For more information, visit LTUE's website.
Jane Austen + Monsters = A Shadow Bright and Burning
Posted by
2:47 PM
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Imagine if Jane Austen was suddenly promoted as England's last, best hope to defeat the ancients (demons). As the only female sorcerer born in decades, she's obviously the prophesied one. Or is she? Because when her magic works, it doesn't behave like it's supposed to. But failure isn't an option; she won't return to her previous life as a nobody. Even if the only other option is death.
Being the only female sorcerer, she has her pick of boys. Should she go with the boy she's been in love with for as long as she can remember, the dashing flirt who completely accepts her, or the stodgy benefactor who keeps her at a distance? Because one of them will betray her.
Lovely book. I don't recommend the audiobook though, not because it wasn't well done, but because the complexity of the plot had me lost at time and I would have liked to have gone back and reread.
Snag A Shadow Bright and Burning here.
Being the only female sorcerer, she has her pick of boys. Should she go with the boy she's been in love with for as long as she can remember, the dashing flirt who completely accepts her, or the stodgy benefactor who keeps her at a distance? Because one of them will betray her.
Lovely book. I don't recommend the audiobook though, not because it wasn't well done, but because the complexity of the plot had me lost at time and I would have liked to have gone back and reread.
Snag A Shadow Bright and Burning here.
Of Ice and Snow Free 2 Days Only
Posted by
2:51 PM
Monday, January 30, 2017
Sales Alert!
Of Ice and Snow Free Through Tomorrow
"A captivating series!" –Jennifer A. Nielsen, New York Times bestselling author
Otec thought destiny forgot him. The middle child of the clanchief, Otec is the overlooked son in an overflowing house. He dreams of escape and adventure, so when a mysterious stranger offers both, he doesn’t need persuading. But when his faraway village comes under attack, Otec will do anything to save the people he loves. Cut off from his nation, he must trust a foreign woman with a dubious past as they race to save his clan. But nothing is what it seems, and Otec may have to trust his enemy if he is to become the leader he was never meant to be.
Destiny is not always kind.
Winter Queen is also on sale for 99C through tomorrow.
As winter’s touch freezes Ilyenna’s heart and soul, will she be able to hold onto love to keep her humanity?
A dying man delivers a terrible warning: a civil war has begun between neighboring clans. As healer and clanmistress, Ilyenna is tasked with keeping the wounded alive and fed in the midst of an endless winter.
But when the war moves to the heart of her village, Ilyenna looks into her enemy’s eyes and sees more than just cunning. There is also lust—lust for power and lust for her. She finds herself faced with an impossible choice—seize the fairy’s dark magic and lose her humanity, or risk facing the enemy alone.
Goodreads Giveaway for Of Ice and Snow
Posted by
11:52 AM
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
*Signed copy + Swag*
Enter Giveaway
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Of Ice and Snow
by Amber Argyle
Giveaway ends April 09, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Cook Once, Eat Twice Lasagna
Posted by
2:39 PM
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Cook Once, Eat Twice Easy Lasagna
Prep: 20 min l Total: 1 hour, 35 min
2 lb. ground beef
2 eggs, beaten
5 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
2 containers of 15 oz cottage cheese
1 cup grated parmesan cheese, divided
½ cup fresh parsley, chopped (or 1/3 cup dried)
2 jars (26 oz) spaghetti sauce
2 cups water
24 lasagna noodles, uncooked
Prep: 20 min l Total: 1 hour, 35 min
2 lb. ground beef
2 eggs, beaten
5 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
2 containers of 15 oz cottage cheese
1 cup grated parmesan cheese, divided
½ cup fresh parsley, chopped (or 1/3 cup dried)
2 jars (26 oz) spaghetti sauce
2 cups water
24 lasagna noodles, uncooked
Preheat oven to 350. Brown meat in a large skillet. Meanwhile, mix egg, 2 ½ cups of mozzarella cheese, the ricotta cheese, ½ cup parmesan cheese, and parsley until well blended; set aside.
Darin meat; return to skillet. Stir in spaghetti sauce. Add water to empty sauce jar; cover with lid and shake well. Add to meat mixture; stir until well blended. Spread 1 cup of the sauce onto the bottom of two 13X9 pans; top with layers of 3 lasagna noodles, 1/3 of the ricotta cheese mixture, and 1 cup of sauce. Repeat layers twice. Top with remaining 3 noodles and the remaining meat sauce (4 total layers). Sprinkle with remaining ¼ cup of parmesan cheese. Cover with greased foil. Write bake time and temp. on one pan’s foil and put in the freezer (to bake, go directly from freezer to 325F oven for about 2 1/2 hours ).
Bake 45 min. Remove foil; bake an additional 15 min. or until heated through. Let stand 15 min. before cutting to serve. Makes 12 servings, 1 piece each.
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