famous Brazilian soccer star, wants to practice with the Wild Soccer Bunch. Instead, he plays for the Furies and his famous dad won’t let him switch.
The Wild Soccer Bunch finally gets a chance to play the Furies. They have to find a sponsor and logo. The game goes back and forth. The Wild Soccer Bunch eventually looses 11-4. Fabio’s dad is so impressed by the Wild Soccer Bunch’s courage that he hosts a party in their honor and announces that he’ll allow his son to play on their team. He buys them jerseys and helps them get their team going.
I liked this book because it shows that you can face really hard challenges and even if you don’t win, good things can come out of it. The funniest part where when they jumped off the eight foot bridge. My favorite part of the book was when the Wild Soccer Bunch faced the Furies.
There he is, folks, my uber cute son. He's also writing two books at present. I'm so proud I could pop. :)
- I still have two giveaways going on. Both books are signed. Matched by Ally Condie and The Third by Abel Keogh
- ARCs for Witch Song aren't in yet. For those of you eagerly awaiting your copy, patience young padawans. It will get done.
- My kitchen faucet is broken. Water will only come out the sprayer. This has been going on for 3 weeks, and the part is on backorder. Do you have any idea how many times I soaked myself when I've turned on the faucet without thinking? (There may or may not but definitely was swearing involved.)
- I have a cold that has rendered my nose much like my kitchen faucet. Broken. This has been going on for over a week now.
- I am, once again, freaking out. MY BOOK COMES OUT IN 3.5 MONTHS! What if everyone hates it! What if there's a big grammatical error! . . . I am forcing myself to replace this crippling fear with positivity. What if everyone loves it! What if it sells like crazy! What if . . . well, you get the idea.
- BIG BIG BIG things are in fact happening with WITCH SONG. And I can't tell you about any of them. Gosh, don't you just hate teasers?!?
- My current WIP is up to 60,000 words. I'm kinda stalled out on how to delve deeper into my magical system. The magic comes from trees, so the trees have to communicate with people somehow. Mindspeach and dreams feel so cliche. Any ideas?
- Barnes and Noble has increased the price of WITCH SONG from $9.44 to $13.99. Those of you who have already preordered the book have therefore saved over $4 bucks! So sorry for the rest of you. :(
Sorry about your cold! :( I hope you get feeling better soon! Also, I'm very intrigued by your WIP. It sounds amazing! :)