In Of Ice and Snow and Winter Queen (which are on sale for a limited time for 99C each), I explored the theme “Strong as stone, supple as a sapling”—that to be strong, sometimes you have to bend or risk breaking.
In Of Fire and Ash and Summer Queen, I explored the theme “To rise from the ashes, first you must burn.” Everyone crashes, everyone burns. Everyone fails. It’s what you do after failing that’s important. When you pick yourself up, learn from your failures, and move on to something better.
In Daughter of Winter and Winter’s Heir, the theme is “outshine the darkness.” Everyone has moments when they falter. When hope seems lost. When life shatters around them. But the hero always stands up. Even in the midst of hopelessness and despair. The hero always tries one more time.
And that’s why I love fiction. That’s why I love heroes. Because we all have those moments. When the night is at its darkest and there is no hope of living till the dawn. But you just keep trying. Because giving up is not in your nature. Or maybe because there’s nothing left to do but keep trying. You dig deep and pull upon courage you didn’t know you had. And you triumph.
I hope my fiction has given you that kind of hope. I pray that my words have touched you. Uplifted you. That in some small way, the courage of my characters will remind you of your own courage. That even if the very jaws of hell gape after you, you can find it within yourself to keep trying.
Even if it’s for just one more second.
And then the second after that.
And the second after that.
Winter's Heir is the final book in the series (though there is one more bonus book I'll be releasing next month. It follow's a character from Winter's Heir named Cinder - but more about that in the next newsletter). Winter's Heir wraps up the stories of Otec, Ilyenna,Nelay, and Elice, as well as all their friends.
Here's the description:
A price must be paid.
Elice has left behind the ice and isolation of winter. Before her is the warmth and wonder of summer with all its color and life. Adar, the young man she saved from the sea, is by her side, and his touch sends tendrils of heat where before there was only cold.
But all is not as it seems. There are secrets hidden in the heart of summer. Secrets that could burn Elice to the ground and take the whole world with her. The decades-long war between the fairies of winter and summer has thrown off the balance of nature, leaving the world in its death throes.
Adar believes Elice can stop the destruction—if only she will listen to him. But like the fairies’ bargains, that trust comes with a cost. And the price Elice will pay will tear asunder the boundaries between dreams and family, loyalty and betrayal.
Here are the purchase sites:
Amazon Int'l
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