One chapter is posted on each of the following blogs:
Sunday, August 28- Page Turners Witch Song Chapter 1
Monday, Aust 29: Fire and Ice Witch Song Chapter 2
Tuesday, August 30: Once Upon A Twilight Witch Song Chapter 3
Wednesday, August 31: We Fancy Books Witch Song Chapter 4
Thursday, September 1: Mundie Moms Witch Song Chapter 5
Thanks to Mundie Moms for setting the tour up.
And the Teen Scene Blog Tour links for the week (links will be updated when they're posted):
Monday, August 29: Katie at Mundie Moms (Guest Post)
Tuesday, August 30: Jodie at Jodie's Book Reviews (Character Interview)
Wednesday, August 31: Precious at Fragments of Life (Review)
Thursday, September 1: Melissa at Mel's Books and Info (Into the Past)
Friday, September 2: Lexie at Poisoned Rationality (Character Tens List)
And reviews links:
My Writing Bug
Esther's Ever After
I want to thank all the people who follow my blog. All the bloggers who've been part of one of my three tours (I *heart* Book Lovin' Bitches, The Teen Book Scene, and Mundie Moms!). All the readers who've taken the time to write a review and share a little of Witch Song with the world.
You have a part in Witch Song's success; in the fact that we're going up against books with big marketing budgets and we're holding our own--and in some cases kicking butt.
And if you've gone through all that and you're still here, I commend you. Now I'm going to share some personal stuff. My book's official release date is tomorrow. Reviews are going up EVERYWHERE. This is super awesome. I'm beyond thrilled that people are reading something I spent years writing and then taking their valuable time to write a review. By and large, they're loving it.
But a few people aren't. That's okay. Not every book is for every person. I don't expect everyone to love Witch Song, and I don't want anything other than honest reviews. BUT I've come to the point where I can't read them anymore. I've talked to other authors, and most of them are adamant that you don't read your reviews. I can see why.
The honest truth? I need positivity in my life. I need encouragement and people in my corner rubbing my shoulders and shooting water in my mouth so it can run down the front of my shirt. I need cheerleaders. And part of writing reviews (for some) is about criticising. That's important for many readers in deciding whether or not to buy a book, but it's crippling for writers (kinda like having one too many alpha readers after the fact).
IF you'd like me to read/comment on your review or post a link on my blog, please feel free to send it to me: amberargyle at yahoo dot com But please don't bother if your review is negative. I don't want to hurt any one's feelings here. I'm just trying to preserve a positive aura.
Q4U: If you're an aspiring writer, do you think you'll read your reviews? Do you think reviews should be brutally honest or tactful? Can you really do both?
Read the first 5 Chapters of Witch Song +
Posted by
1:38 PM
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Read Witch Song Chapter 2 For Free
Posted by
12:52 PM
Monday, August 29, 2011
Witch Song Chapter 2 is now up on Fire and Ice. Click here to read it.
If you missed chapter 1, go to Page Turners.
Chapters 3,4 and 5 will be posted over the next three days.
You can also read another interview of me on Just Another Book Addict as part of the Book Lovin' Bitches tour.
And learn about how I how my upbringing affected my writing on Mundie Moms.
Another great review on Katelyn's blog.
I love book blogs! Thanks to all of you!
If you missed chapter 1, go to Page Turners.
Chapters 3,4 and 5 will be posted over the next three days.
You can also read another interview of me on Just Another Book Addict as part of the Book Lovin' Bitches tour.
And learn about how I how my upbringing affected my writing on Mundie Moms.
Another great review on Katelyn's blog.
I love book blogs! Thanks to all of you!
Read the first 5 chapters of Witch Song, free
Posted by
12:31 PM
Sunday, August 28, 2011

As part of the Mundie Moms Witch Song Blog Tour, you can read the first 5 chapters of Witch Song free. One chapter will be released for five days in a row. Starting today.
Chapter 1 is up at The Page Turners Blog
All Tour Stops:
8/28th- Page Turners, Witch Song Chapter 1
8/29- Fire & Ice, Witch Song Chapter 2
8/30- Once Upon A Twilight, Witch Song Chapter 3
8/31- We Fancy Books, Witch Song Chapter 4
9/1- Mundie Moms, Witch Song Chapter 5
My Favorite Desert of All Time
Posted by
1:24 PM
Friday, August 26, 2011

Also, Tristi has an excellent review up on her blog.
My Teenage Garage Sale
Posted by
1:11 PM
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Okay, I giggled when I saw how Casey had put together my teenage garage sale, complete with pictures--though she missed one.
<--- *the horse should look familiar, see the crescent moon marking on his forehead? He was my barrel and pole bending horse. His name is Knight, and he's in the book. :)
Corrine put up her fantastic review of Witch Song on her blog: Lost for Words
Also, The Reader Bee just put up a great review.
Character Interview with Joshen
Posted by
12:15 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Also, I'm part of another blog tour that will post the first 5 chapters (1 chapter each) on their blogs. The links and dates are below:
8/28th- Page Turners
8/29- Fire & Ice
8/30- Once Upon A Twilight
8/31- We Fancy Books
9/1- Mundie Moms
Thanks so much to Katie of Mundie Moms for setting this up!
Teen Scene Book Tour
Posted by
1:42 PM
Monday, August 22, 2011
Today is the official kick off for Witch Song on the Teen Book Scene blog tour. Kari, Kelsey, and Corrine have been absolutely fantastic to work with. They keep things organized and make things as easy as possible for the author (if you have a book coming out, you should definitely contact them).
Today, I'm over at Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing with Ashley. She asked some great questions about everything from how I came up with the singing as the medium for my magic to my cover.
Here's the list of the tour:
Monday, August 22: Ashley at Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing (Author Interview w/ Book Line Answers)
Tuesday, August 23: Precious at Fragments of Life (Character Interview)
Wednesday, August 24: Corrine at Lost for Words (Review)
Thursday, August 25: Casey at The Bookish Type (Teenage Garage Sale)
Friday, August 26: Caroline at Words & Whispers (Tens List)
Monday, August 29: Katie at Mundie Moms (Guest Post)
Tuesday, August 30: Jodie at Jodie's Book Reviews (Character Interview)
Wednesday, August 31: Precious at Fragments of Life (Review)
Thursday, September 1: Melissa at Mel's Books and Info (Into the Past)
Friday, September 2: Lexie at Poisoned Rationality (Character Tens List)
Monday, September 5: Jessica T at Hopeless Bibliophile (Author Interview)
Tuesday, September 6: Cassandra at CA Marshall (Character Interview)
Wednesday, September 7: Amy at Reading Teen (Review)
Thursday, September 8: Christie at The Fiction Enthusiast (In Her Own Words)
Friday, September 9: Nicole at Books Complete Me (Tens List)
Monday, September 12: Amy at Reading Teen (Guest Post)
Tuesday, September 13: Stacy M at Urban Fantasy Investigations (Character Interview)
Wednesday, September 14: Lexie at Poisoned Rationality (Review)
Thursday, September 15: Kathy at I'm a Reader, Not a Writer (When I’m Not Writing)
Friday, September 16: Corrine at Lost for Words (This or That List)
Today, I'm over at Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing with Ashley. She asked some great questions about everything from how I came up with the singing as the medium for my magic to my cover.
Here's the list of the tour:
Monday, August 22: Ashley at Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing (Author Interview w/ Book Line Answers)
Tuesday, August 23: Precious at Fragments of Life (Character Interview)
Wednesday, August 24: Corrine at Lost for Words (Review)
Thursday, August 25: Casey at The Bookish Type (Teenage Garage Sale)
Friday, August 26: Caroline at Words & Whispers (Tens List)
Monday, August 29: Katie at Mundie Moms (Guest Post)
Tuesday, August 30: Jodie at Jodie's Book Reviews (Character Interview)
Wednesday, August 31: Precious at Fragments of Life (Review)
Thursday, September 1: Melissa at Mel's Books and Info (Into the Past)
Friday, September 2: Lexie at Poisoned Rationality (Character Tens List)
Monday, September 5: Jessica T at Hopeless Bibliophile (Author Interview)
Tuesday, September 6: Cassandra at CA Marshall (Character Interview)
Wednesday, September 7: Amy at Reading Teen (Review)
Thursday, September 8: Christie at The Fiction Enthusiast (In Her Own Words)
Friday, September 9: Nicole at Books Complete Me (Tens List)
Monday, September 12: Amy at Reading Teen (Guest Post)
Tuesday, September 13: Stacy M at Urban Fantasy Investigations (Character Interview)
Wednesday, September 14: Lexie at Poisoned Rationality (Review)
Thursday, September 15: Kathy at I'm a Reader, Not a Writer (When I’m Not Writing)
Friday, September 16: Corrine at Lost for Words (This or That List)
On the making of a book trailer
Posted by
7:45 AM
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Today we're talking about what really went into making my book trailer. But not here.
You have to go here.
Also the winner for the last ARC of Witch Song is: Krystal!
I planned on giving away an ARC every week in August, but I'm out of money for shipping. Also, I need a break.
May I have a squee moment? At some point in high school, I wrote on my yearbooks that they'd better hang on to my signature because it would be worth something someday. I'm proud to say that my wrist is sore from signing bookmarks.
Also, here's a review from Mel as part of the Teen Scene Blog Tour.
Events, Winner, and Contest!
Posted by
2:26 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Last weeks winner of Witch Song: Christina
Thank you all for participating!
On to the next giveaway of Witch Song *contest closed*:
Why are reviews important? For each review posted on Amazon, 10 of the reviewed books are sold.
Also, check out all the events I have going on through Sept:
*I am open to doing signings within two hours drive of Logan, Utah. You will have to organize it (I can go further if the event is large enough).*
My first signing is Saturday, Sept 10th at The Book Table (29 S. Main) in Logan Utah from 3-5.
The Launch Party is Monday, Sept 12th from 7-9 at the Hyrum City Library (50 W. Main). I will give a presentation on the making of Witch Song, a reading, and a viewing of the trailer from 7-7:30. After that, I'll walk around chatting and signing your books. There will be some simple treats. You will need to purchased a copy of Witch Song before, as I will only have a limited number for sale.
My next signing is at the League of Utah Writer Roundup at the Marriott from 5:00 to 6:30 on Sat Sept 17th (you don't have to attend the conference to go to the signing). I will also be teaching a class "Negotiating Contracts." Time TBA
*note date change* Layton Barnes and Noble Saturday Sept 24th from 3-5 (thanks to Carrie for setting it up!). Address: Layton Market Center, 1780 North Woodland Park Drive, Layton, UT 84041, 801-773-9973
Author chat September 19th at
If you'd like to help with the organization or marketing of an event (by making and putting up fliers/handouts; posting events on your blog, facebook, or twitter accounts; taking pictures; bringing treats, etc; I'd really appreciate it).
Thank you all for participating!
On to the next giveaway of Witch Song *contest closed*:
- Everywhere you post a review for Witch Song, you get 1 pt. Haven't had a chance to read it yet? It's available EARLY on Kindle for 3.99 Nook for 3.99
- Example: post a review on Amazon (1 pt), Barnes and Noble (1pt), your blog (1 pt), and Goodreads (1 pt) = 5 pts (older reviews totally count).
- Helpful Links: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Book Depository, Goodreads, Shelfari.
- And if you really can't afford the 3.99, I'll let you have a 1 pt for every time you spread the contest through twitter, facebook, and blogs.
- Leave your links and tally up your points.
Why are reviews important? For each review posted on Amazon, 10 of the reviewed books are sold.
Also, check out all the events I have going on through Sept:
*I am open to doing signings within two hours drive of Logan, Utah. You will have to organize it (I can go further if the event is large enough).*
My first signing is Saturday, Sept 10th at The Book Table (29 S. Main) in Logan Utah from 3-5.
The Launch Party is Monday, Sept 12th from 7-9 at the Hyrum City Library (50 W. Main). I will give a presentation on the making of Witch Song, a reading, and a viewing of the trailer from 7-7:30. After that, I'll walk around chatting and signing your books. There will be some simple treats. You will need to purchased a copy of Witch Song before, as I will only have a limited number for sale.
My next signing is at the League of Utah Writer Roundup at the Marriott from 5:00 to 6:30 on Sat Sept 17th (you don't have to attend the conference to go to the signing). I will also be teaching a class "Negotiating Contracts." Time TBA
*note date change* Layton Barnes and Noble Saturday Sept 24th from 3-5 (thanks to Carrie for setting it up!). Address: Layton Market Center, 1780 North Woodland Park Drive, Layton, UT 84041, 801-773-9973
Author chat September 19th at
If you'd like to help with the organization or marketing of an event (by making and putting up fliers/handouts; posting events on your blog, facebook, or twitter accounts; taking pictures; bringing treats, etc; I'd really appreciate it).
Win an ARC of Witch Song #2 (plus winners)
Posted by
5:11 PM
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Okay people, lot going on here, so try to keep up.
First winners (as chosen by
Theresa won an ARC of Witch Song!
Erica won an signed hardcover of Forbidden Seas!
And on to the next contest (because Witch Song comes out in 28 days! Let the countdown begin).
Everytime you change your profile pic to the cover of Witch Song, you get one point. The more points you have, the better your chances of winning a signed ARC of Witch Song.
Say you changed your profile picture for twitter, facebook, blogger, goodreads, and shelfari that would give you 5 pts.
There is no limit to how many points you can accrue. Leave me links or you will not be counted. Please leave the pic up for at least one month (the longer the better though). Contest ends August 10th.
Yadda yadda yadda. And so on and so forth. The end.
Also, don't stop posting the countdown widget. I love love love seeing it all over the place!
Okay, now it's the end.
First winners (as chosen by
Theresa won an ARC of Witch Song!
Erica won an signed hardcover of Forbidden Seas!
And on to the next contest (because Witch Song comes out in 28 days! Let the countdown begin).
Everytime you change your profile pic to the cover of Witch Song, you get one point. The more points you have, the better your chances of winning a signed ARC of Witch Song.
Say you changed your profile picture for twitter, facebook, blogger, goodreads, and shelfari that would give you 5 pts.
There is no limit to how many points you can accrue. Leave me links or you will not be counted. Please leave the pic up for at least one month (the longer the better though). Contest ends August 10th.
Yadda yadda yadda. And so on and so forth. The end.
Also, don't stop posting the countdown widget. I love love love seeing it all over the place!
Okay, now it's the end.
A never before seen excerpt of Witch Song
Posted by
4:00 PM
Monday, August 1, 2011
But you can't see it here. You have to go to here:
There's only two days left to enter to win an ARC of Witch Song. Over 4,500 people have entered to win on Goodreads. Needless to say, you're chances are MUCH higher here.
I'll close my giveaway of Forbidden Sea on the same day. Thanks again to Sheila for donating a copy.
There's only two days left to enter to win an ARC of Witch Song. Over 4,500 people have entered to win on Goodreads. Needless to say, you're chances are MUCH higher here.
I'll close my giveaway of Forbidden Sea on the same day. Thanks again to Sheila for donating a copy.
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About Me
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Blog Archive
- Read the first 5 Chapters of Witch Song +
- Read Witch Song Chapter 2 For Free
- Read the first 5 chapters of Witch Song, free
- My Favorite Desert of All Time
- My Teenage Garage Sale
- Character Interview with Joshen
- Teen Scene Book Tour
- On the making of a book trailer
- Events, Winner, and Contest!
- Win an ARC of Witch Song #2 (plus winners)
- A never before seen excerpt of Witch Song
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