*This contest is now closed.
It seriously pains me to give this away. A signed hardcover of The Lost Saint by Bree Despain. Two signed bookmarks. Two bottles of nail polish.
Winner receives the blue book, bookmark, and nail polish AND the purple bookmark and nail polish.
- To enter, simply Click on one of the Goodreads lists and vote for WITCH SONG. Each time you vote, you get 1 point (Sometimes the link takes you directly to WITCH SONG. Sometimes you have to scroll up or click previous. The easiest way to find it is to pay attention to the number (ie if it's 200 out of 275, look for 200) If WITCH SONG is added to your "To Read" list, you can click on the "Add Books to This List" tab as well).
- Obviously, I'm not asking you to vote for the book on lists that imply you've read it (unless you have). That wouldn't be very honest. So just stick to the ones that feature debut authors, beautiful covers, books of 2011, New Authors, etc.
- There isn't a limit on how many lists you can vote on, epecially the lists where Witch Song is beyond 100. Nor is there a limit on how many points you can accrue. The more points you have, the greater your chances of winnning.
- You can also earn points by sharing this contest on your blog, facebook page, twitter (click the cute little button links on the bottom of this post to make it really easy).
- You MUST add up your own points.
More free stuff:
1. Have you registered to win WITCH SONG on Goodreads yet???
2. If you're a book reviewer, have you filled out the form for a free copy of WITCH SONG for review? **filling out this form DOES NOT guarantee you a free copy.**
3. Have you filled out the form to receive a free, signed bookmark of Witch Song?
Yay! Thanks for the giveaway, Amber!
Count me in if this giveaway is international :)
Hi, Amber! Thanks for the giveaway! Count me in if it's international :)
voted 5 times
tweeted: http://twitter.com/girlaboutbooks/status/42768507980623872
total: 6 entries