If you'd like to see the cover with the final font/title, click here. While you're there, make sure you check out the art of my fellow authors' covers: Michelle Argyle, Walter Rhein, Eve Ventrue, Doug Brown, Cas Peace, and JS Chancellor.
Love it, Amber! My favorite part is her eyes. :)
I like this a lot as well. The figure of the girl is appealing, but I also like the 19th century Romantic vibe in the background scenery.
It is an incredible picture - very evoking :)
only .99c, The Arrival, now on Amazon
I'm so glad you got a cover that you love so much! That's wonderful!
What I most appreciate about the artwork is how her shiny, golden eyes are echoed by the necklace and by the sun (moon?).
That's a really nice looking cover! =) I'm excited to read your book in the fall!
Kristen: Thanks! Me too. :D
Michelle: I know, I love yours too.
Marion: Why, thank you catwoman. ;)
Laura: Oh, way to nail it. I never even made the connection before.
Nicole: I'm so glad you like it.
Nevets: Believe it or not, we did that on purpose. I think it works well, I'm glad you do too.
Chantele: Thanks!
Shanella: Good to hear. I'm glad I'm not the only one excited for release day.
OH. MY. GOODNESS. Ok, so I might be a bit of a cover sl*@,BUT dang! that is beautiful...Me want..me WANT!!!
My honest opinion? Your cover rocks more than the others! How super exciting! I'm sold. Sign me up for preorder! :)
WOW! That looks fantastic! Amber, I'm so excited for you!
This cover art is absolutely gorgeous Amber. It makes me totally want to buy your book!
David: Yay! I'm so glad it's working.
Stephanie: I know!
Michael: I wish I could take the credit for it. Eve Ventrue does an amazing job. :)
That is indeed a gorgeous cover, Amber! I know what you mean about not being able to look away... I feel that way about my book cover for "Ravenmarked," too. :)
Your cover is amazing! I saw your book today featured on a blog's Waiting on Wednesday post and the cover immediately got my attention and was what made me read the summary. Now your book is on my TBR and I can't wait to read it. This will definitely appeal to the YA fantasy genre :)
I love the cover Amber!! It is gorgeous! Yea hun! I cannot wait to read it!