Within a few days, I felt like a whole new person. My depression was gone, as was my fatigue. In the two weeks since I've been on it, I've lost 10 pounds (and I haven't been doing anything different).
I did some research on iodine and discovered that iodine deficiency is on the rise again. Many people have stopped using table salt (cause "salt is bad for you"). Many other people (like me) have gone to kosher salt and pink himalayin salt - neither of which have iodine in them. And iodine is not added to the salt you get in processed foods. It's only in specifically labeled table salt.
So if you have any of the following symptoms, maybe try a kelp supplement. And start using table salt with iodine again!
Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
Coarse, dry hair
Dry, rough pale skin
Hair loss
Cold intolerance (you can't tolerate cold temperatures like those around you)
Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
Memory loss
Abnormal menstrual cycles
Decreased libido
*I'm not a doctor. Just wanted I'd like to pass along the knowledge.*
Also, I suggest you all try a naturopath - but not one of the quaky ones who thinks conventional medicine is ridiculous. My naturopath was a nurse and fully believes in modern medicine. Her focus is balancing the body's systems, where medical doctors only treat symptoms.
I checked up on all the varied salt. Apparently, they're basically all the same. I use to boil salt to rid of its impurities. I need to do another research that I'm not removing the iodine in this process.
As for kelp supplements, I really need to get some. I don't like taking thyroid meds.
I have been swigging back Apple cider vinegar with water. I keep it by my bedside. A swig before sleeping and in the morning. I'm managing some nights, these days as its hard to swallow. Its good for your thyroid, apparently. More research, of course, is still being done. Its also good for bacteria in the mouth, and works on my leg cramps I get at night sometimes. One swig in a water bottle, it passes quickly. The organic acv that sais its the mother on the bottle, is the one to get.
Glad to know the kelp worked for you. I shall give it a try.
Wishing you all the best with your books.
Have a pleasant week.