
Monday, August 12, 2013

{Giveaway} Come check out my sexy blog button and win!


Isn't it awesome! Jessica at Crossroads Reviews made it for me when she redesigned the blog (she's done more hand holding than any one person should have to do for another grown woman. I'm hopeless). First pass, and I love it!

So who's up for a contest?

Put my sexy blog button up on your blog (grab it from the sidebar to your right) and you can win a signed copy of one of my paperback books, your choice! Plus some awesome swag! Second place gets 2 ebooks of their choice. Third place gets one ebook of their choice

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Jessica takes a bow! (I think thats spelled right) I am so hopelessly bad at spelling! That its a wonder that I got this done the first time with no mistakes. Thanks so much Amber I love the witch song series and cant wait to read book three!

  2. The blog and button look amazing! I have it posted on my book review blog.

  3. Congrats on the new button and thanks for the competition. Glad that you're moving forward with promoting your books.

  4. Excited to put your button on the blog!

  5. Jessica rocks!

    MR Buttars: Checked out your blog. It's even at the top *hugs you*

    Bella: Thanks!

    Paige: I'm intrigued by that Smash into You book on your blog.

  6. Nice opportunity, though I miss the swag too ;-)
