Some of you might wonder why I'm doing this. After all, Witch Born and Witch Song are selling really well. Basically, it's a marketing strategy. If Witch Born rises high enough in the rankings, the sales will shoot through the roof after it goes back up for purchase (that's what happened when Witch Song was offered for free last spring).
The hoped for gains are increased visibility and sales, which gets me closer to my goals of growing my fan base and becoming financially independent.
But it is kind of a risk, because if the rankings don't go high enough, it doesn't do much good. Here's two ways you can help (Just copy and paste):
- Twitter: Witch Born by @amberargyle is #free! Pls retweet http://goo.gl/qA2vV #Freebook #FreeEbook #Kindle #BookGiveaway #Amazon #Giveaway #Freebies
- Facebook: @AmberArgyle's newest book is free. http://goo.gl/qA2vV
- Blog posts, ect. are always appreciated!
I'll update the rankings as the days go on.
Also, I recently sent out an email with a subscribers only sneek peak at some of the fairies in Winter Queen. If you'd like to subscribe to my newsletter (no more than ~5 emails a year), sign up below.
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What a fabulous Christmas Gift. Of course, I pre-order all your books, because I love my hard copy. ;-)
I've tweeted and FB this because I think all my friends will love your novel.
For those who have not yet read Amber; reading Witch Song and then Witch Born is like watching a rose bloom.
Get Witch Born for free on your kindle and see what you've been missing.