Also, I have three events this week:
Wednesday the 17: Signing at Rich High School in Randolph, UT from 3-6
Thursday the 18th: Garland Public Library (Utah) from 5-7 pm.
Saturday the 20th: Signing at Serendipity in Evanston WY from 1-3
Yes, this, 100%.
(I was bullied in school as well as sexually harassed- seems like we all were- and I got the "ignore them and they'll go away" speech a million times). Ignoring them did nothing. But I have had *some* luck with telling someone calmly that what they're doing is insulting/frightening me/rude because X, Y, Z.
I think telling someone in no uncertain terms "this is unacceptable" is the first option (in my experience, if you just leave when a creeper is trying to be sexy, they misinterpret it as you being coy). Good for you, sticking up for yourself!
Chey: My SIL's mom was attacked by a man while walking her dog. She got away, but he'd broken into two handicapped women's apartment just before that and raped both of them.
Beth: I probably could have been more forceful, but I'm pretty sure they got the message. Also, I was sexually harassed a few times too. That's why in Witch Song, when Brusenna is sexually harassed, she immediately reacts. I was trying to show what you should do.
And this is why I'm glad my work offers self defense training. I may not look it, but I'm a fair avoider if I need to be. That's rough, but I'm glad you stood up for yourself. :)
I'm glad you did what you had to so you would be safe.
Thank you for sharing your message about bullying. I think kids everywhere need that, and as a YA author, you are a role model to many kids who will find ways to adapt by listening to you.
A creeper at the Hastings? Why does that not surprise me ;)
I'm glad that you're safe. I hope he gets his comeuppance (hopefully from his WIFE!)
I actually had to buy pepper spray after I was followed nearly all the way home while walking my dog alone. It was frightening and it sickens me that some people have the ability to make me feel unsafe in a neighborhood I've always lived in, walking through a park full of children. I don't know if I'll ever actually use it, but I'm glad it's there if I ever really need it.