In which I ramble about Witch Born's upcoming release

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Witch Born comes out in a little over a week. It's kinda like being pregnant. It felt like forever. But now that it's here, it seemed to have gone really fast. I'm sending my little book out into the world to get a job. ;) Which is a good thing, cause I could sure use some cash. I'm even considering a job. It pays well and would work great with my schedule. It would be nice to have a steady, decent sized paycheck (in case you didn't know, most authors only make 3K on their first book). But it would cut way back on my writing time.

Is the sacrifice worth it? I just don't know . . .

Moving on . . . someone told me this is my sophomore book, which is kinda a fun idea. I'm not the new kid anymore, but I'm not an old pro yet.

I'm trying not to obsess over numbers and rankings. Or to read reviews. Reviews are of the devil. Even the good ones mess with your mind. For instance, you say a certain character made the whole book AMAZING. But I'm killing off that character in the next book. You see how that can screw with your head?

The physical launch party is Sept 17th at the Hyrum City Library from 7-8:30.
I'll also be at the LUW Conference in Park City, Utah on the 15th. Saturday the 29th I'm signing at the Logan Hastings time 6-9. 

 Next week, you'll get to read the first 7 or so chapters on a fun blog tour. Here's the list:
Page Turners-Chapter 1 
Soul Unsung-Chapter 2 
The Reading Geek-Chapter 3 
Book Haven Extraordinaire-Chapter 4
Clean Teen Fiction-Chapter 5
Amber Argyle-Chapter 5 continued 


  1. aLilLacey said...:

    Just to clarify, September the 29th you'll be at the Logan, Ut Hastings?

  1. Congratulations, girl! I'm so honored to say I've already read it and it's really, really good...

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