Win a *signed* copy by entering the contest below! Elana contacted me about joining her blog tour for her new book, Surrender, which I'm so excited to read.
As part of the contest, I'm posting my review and offering a signed copy of Possession. Here's my review:
I loved the pacing in this one and I couldn't get enough of Vi and her kick butt, take no prisoners attitude--my favorite was her "Violet speak" moments-I laughed outloud more than once. Jag was oh-so-yummy and I burned through their kissing scenes.

Final verdict: If you love dystopian, you should definitely give Possession a try.
Just a tip: Near the end, the POV starts to get switched up. So if you're totally confused, just remember it's probably a flashback from Jag's POV.
And now for the contest! To win a signed hardcover of Possession, all you have to do is vote for either Surrender or Witch Born on any Goodread's list below:
Witch Born: http://www.goodreads.com/list/book/13496452-witch-born
Surrender: http://www.goodreads.com/list/book/11700071-surrender
Every vote counts as one point. No limit on points. Please only vote for lists you feel the book(s) deserve to be on.
If you don't have a Goodreads account (?!?), you can Facebook or tweet the contest. Contest closes on July 26th. Make sure you tally up your own points and leave your email address in the comments.
So if I tweet about this i just leave a message here to tell you? You don't have to somehow look (not that I would be dishonest I'm just clarifying).