
Monday, December 20, 2010

Winner and Blurb Announced

First of all, thanks for all your help with my blurb. The majority of you liked a combination of 1 and 3. I've been playing with it to try and get it right. Here's what I have so far:

The world is changing.

For thousands of years, witch song has controlled everything from the winds to the shifting of the seasons. But not anymore. All the Witches are gone, taken captive by the dark witch Espen.

All but one.

As the last echoes of witch song fade, Espen grows stronger even as winter and summer come within the space of a day. Now she’s coming for the one she missed—Brusenna, a shy, untrained girl of fifteen.

Somehow, Brusenna has to succeed where every other Witch has failed. Find Espen. Fight her. Defeat her.

Or there won’t be anything left to save.

Whaddya think??? Does it flow well? Do you have a good idea what the story is about? Any confusing parts?
Second of all, it's time to announce the winner as chosen by

YzhaBella's BookShelf

*throws confetti*

Thanks so much for all your help everyone.


  1. errmmm. Should I email you? Or, you can email me at
    mleger0546 AT rogers DOT com


  2. Once, Witch Song controlled every thing from the winds to the shifting of the seasons. No longer true, the world is changing.

    All the Witches are gone,taken captive by a traitor, all but Brusenna.

    Now the traitor comes for her.

    Brusenna must succeed where all others have failed. She must find the traitor, fight her, and defeat her.

    If Brusenna fails, there will be nothing left to save.

    Just a thought...I know nothing. Good job.

  3. Kate: You're welcome! I emailed you.
    Gail: Um, do you not like the one I came up with? IF so, why?

  4. Gail's flows nicely! But so does yours. It just depends on the feel you want. The other question I have is why is Witches capitalized at first, and not later?

  5. Ah, good catch, Michelle. I'll fix it.

  6. Nice blurb! (Love the bluebonnets BTW).

    Happy Holidays! And thanks for being so groovy!

  7. It was an honor to read your first chapter of this last year. I'm very excited that this will be published soon. You were certainly the most advanced at our table. Keep it up! :)

  8. Thanks David.
    Keep me updated on your books.
