
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Help Pick my Cover Blurb, Win Forest of Hands and Teeth

The dreaded cover blurb. I have to take my entire manuscript and condense it into a few compact, tantilizing, info-packed paragraphs.

No worries though. It only goes on the back cover. Which most everyone reads to see if they actually want to BUY the book. No problem at all. If I fail, no one will purchase my book, forcing me to buy hundreds of copies of Witch Song so I don't feel like an idiot.

I'm not worried.

At all.

*curls into the fetal position and chants, "Blurb, blurb, blurb."*

Can you see the drool running down my chin? Cause I'm not taking a picture. You'll have to use your imagination folks.
After much hair pulling, drooling, and rocking, here's what I've come up with. And lucky you, you get to vote. Everyone who votes will be entered to win a paperback copy of The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. If you share this link on facebook, twitter, blog, etc, you get 1 extra point (leave me the link). I'll pick a winner next week.

Choice 1:

The world is changing. Once, the witches controlled everything from the winds to the shifting of the seasons. But not anymore. All the Witches are gone. Taken captive by a traitor.

All but Brusenna. Hidden away from the truth by her overprotective mother, she knows so little about saving the world. But with Summer and Winter coming in the space of a day, she’s the only choice the world has left.

Because if she fails to free the other witches, there won’t be anything left to save.

Choice 2:

Fourteen-year old Brusenna is the last Witch. All the others have been imprisoned by the Dark Witch. And the without the Witches’ songs to shore up the bindings of nature, storms rage, climates cross hardened boundaries, and seeds refuse to germinate.

Hiding from the Witch Hunters and their muskets, Brusenna and her Guardian, Joshen, must find the key to defeating the Dark Witch and rescuing the others. Because if not, there won’t be anything left to save.

Choice 3:

Brusenna is a Witch

With little more than a melody, all the plants within the sound of her voice grow and bend to her will. Collectively, the witches control the winds, the storms, even the changing of the seasons.

But all that was before—before the others were taken by the Dark Witch. (94) Before she sent her Witch Hunters after the rumor that turned out to be Brusenna.

As the echo of their songs fade, the Dark Witch grows stronger. And now she’s coming for Brusenna. She has her Guardian to protect her. But even he can’t stop the Dark Witch. Somehow, she has to succeed where every other witch has failed. She has to find her. Fight her. Defeat her.

Because if she fails, there won’t be anything left to save.


  1. Gosh, all are good.

    Each have their own pull and I cannot choose.

    She can't be the last witch, there is the bad witch and she must free the good witch. So on #2 I would say "the last free witch"

    Sorry, If I stepped out of line saying this, I am not an author.

  2. Ok... after careful consideration (hehehe) I think you should take the beginning of choice one and the ending of choice three, so that it reads like this:

    "The world is changing. Once, the witches controlled everything from the winds to the shifting of the seasons. But not anymore. All the Witches are gone. Taken captive by a traitor.

    As the echo of their songs fade, the Dark Witch grows stronger. And now she’s coming for Brusenna. She has her Guardian to protect her. But even he can’t stop the Dark Witch. Somehow, she has to succeed where every other witch has failed. She has to find her. Fight her. Defeat her.

    Because if she fails, there won’t be anything left to save.

  3. not trying to step on toes, just trying to help :)

    the_happy_soul AT yahoo DOT com

  4. I love the first one. The others sound a little first grade, if you know what I mean. And for some reaosn, I don't know if it's letting me vote.....

  5. Choice 3. I really like that one.

  6. Gail: Don't be silly. I think you have a great point.
    Theresa: Ohhhh . .. I love it!
    baddict17: I took the vote widget off. It wasn't working. And I'm so technically challenged.
    Doug: Thanks!

  7. Hi, im the newest follower here, Very nice blog !!! Hope to see you on my page too :)

  8. Hi Amber! Choice number 1 really drew me in! The other two, not so much. ;) sorry!

    I shared on facebook!!/YzhaBellas.BookShelf/posts/177502845611107

  9. I had a hard time deciding between 1 and 3 so I really like Theresa's idea!!
    But then again I really like the first paragraph in choice 3. The second paragraph is a little confusing though.

  10. I LOVE Theresa's idea, but that's just me. This book sounds amazing! I'm excited to read it when it comes out! :D

  11. Actually, I just read Theresa's. I'd go with that!

  12. I say #1.

    Theresa's suggestion is good, but I think it needs a little explanation as to who Brusenna is.

    (Oh, and you don't have to enter me in to the contest. I already have--and love--FoHaT. :D

  13. I definitely think choice one offers the most intrigue. It really pulls you in with the phrase "the world is changing" rather than just making the statement that the character is a witch.

  14. You all have such great ideas. Funny that no one seems to like #2.
    Many of you have nailed it by saying a mixture of 1 and 2 with a little more explaination. What would I do without you probably have a terrible blurb)?
