Cedar Fort Writer's Conference

Friday, June 13, 2008
So I went to a writer's conference in Springville last Sat. I learned so much that I wanted to share it with my fellow authors. So for those of you dying to know: I'm going to break it into installments. Feel free to ask questions.
The first person I'm going to cover is Jeffrey Marsh, acquisition editor for Cedar Fort. Here's my notes (with some of my own thoughts to make it coherent):
  1. Write to an audience:
  • When boiled down, Novels are a great conversation between the writer and the author
  • Don't write above, below, or around your audience--WRITE TO THEM. Remember it's a conversation. You don't want to be snooty or juvenile (unless your writing to Juveniles).

2. Learn the art of storytelling

  • Stories need to have a beginning, middle and end
  • there is an art to storytelling. You could have a great story, but if you can't write well, it will never be taken.
  • character development is vital. Your protagonist needs to grow.

3. Great Book to read on the subject: The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler, Second Edition.

Next week, I'm writing on Janet Jensen's presentation on Media Kits.



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