
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Help me pick Winter Queen's font

It's time to pick the main font for Winter Queen. The same font will be used for the whole trilogy. I want something that conveys the feel of the story, which is a YA high fantasy that had a lot of darker themes.

I tried to download these options, but couldn't figure it out. So you'll have to click on them to see. Sorry. (Also, I made the title Daughter of Winter Queen so I could see what the title would look like for more of the series, not because that will be the title).
-I really like this one. The "W" kinda bugs me though. 

-I really like this one, but I'm worried it might be too girly with the curlies on the ends. Also, I'm not sure how the smudges will work on the final cover.
-Simple, but has some fun stuff going on too.
-Doesn't get much simpler than this.
-I really like the "W" with this one. I'm not sure about how thin some of the lines get.
-Very different. It has a middle east feel to it. I like it, though it doesn't fit the first story.

Thoughts? Your ideas will be big for swaying me one way or another, so let me know what you think.
*Update* Final Four:
 -All caps on everything but the articles. Drop caps on the first letter (Thanks to Isaac Steward for the idea!). I really like this one, BUT I'm afraid it looks too much like the font used for the Witch Song series--if you give anyone an opportunity to be confused, they will be.
-If the cover ends up being too busy, we'll use this one to even things out.
-If we can use it w/ the lowercase "w" and size it up.

My formatter flat out said no on Beyond Wonderland. 


  1. I like book or movie title fonts to be very clean and these are very decorative. If I had to pick I would say the first one Perigord.

  2. Hmm . . . so maybe something simpler?


  4. I actually prefer fonts that standout from the rest. Decorative is fine. I kind of like this one-->
    I know, no help at all. I love this site though. ;)

  5. Hands down, the first one :]

  6. I like the 2nd choice you listed above. it looks like a font witches would use. I like the shadow behind various letters.

  7. I like the 2nd choice you listed above. it looks like a font witches would use. I like the shadow behind various letters.

  8. I actually like decorative fonts for Fantasy covers.:D

    I like the first font as well.

    Romance Fatal Serif (this would be my favorite) and Kawoszeh are awesome too!

  9. Beyond Wonderland is my favorite! But I also like the Imperator font if that one doesn't work :)

  10. I don't know. I really dig the second one, especially if the imprinting blends with the cover well. If that doesn't work, I'd go with #1 as my second option. :)

  11. You should call on a favor from one of your fans and get them to design a font just the way you want it. You wrote a whole book for them. Lol.

  12. I like the second one the best. You are right something about the W of the first one bothers me. Like it's two backward Ds or something. the third one is okay, not a fan of the 4th. Font always looks different when you stick it with a cover though.

  13. I like the tilt of the "g" and the curve of the "q" in Imperator, though most of the letters are ordinary enough to be give or take.

    I like the fanciness of the letters in Perigord, and I really like that "w." The "g" is pretty nice-looking, and I agree, the "h" and "n" are slightly off because of the way they're curving. You or the designer you're using could manually adjust the "h" and "n" to curve to the right instead of the left, (For example, look at the way designer Rich Deas altered the "C" in CINDER. He talks about it in an interview he did with me here: ) If you could curve the slope to the right, this would probably be my favorite font.

    I also really like Beyond Wonderland, though I would remove some of the grunge, unless you're using it in a way that can turn the font into something icy that blends in. Otherwise, it's too distracting. At the moment, it's my favorite font, though!

    The other fonts are give or take. Those are my top three, though!

  14. Okay, so far, we have:
    Perigord: 4
    Imperator: 1
    Beyond Wonderland: 5
    Romance Fatal: 1

    Thanks for all the thoughts guys.

  15. I've put the final four up on the bottom of the post.

  16. Taking into consideration the possibilities for what you told me about the picture on the cover, I'd suggest either: Perigord, beyond wonderland, romance fatal serif or kawoszeh. Considering the colors I'm imagining your cover artist would use with the image we talked about, my first instinct is beyond wonderland. If we go shopping Friday remind me & I'll tell you more why. :)

  17. I would go with the second chose; Beyond Wonderland. It is beautiful and would look amazing for the cover of the books.

  18. I would go with Perigord, but I am not a fan of the capitals; all of them seemed to be cut off at the top, and the S looks severely pinched. So perhaps you would have to mix fonts.

    I wonder what the rights to some of these typefaces are, somw may only be free for personal (and not commercial) use.

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  19. Either one or three. And I actually like the capital W on the third one. : )
