
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sneak peak + win a copy of Witch Born

Time for the third contest to win a copy of Witch Born, AND I'm sharing lots of never before seen quotes. 

It's really easy, all you have to do is share a quote from Witch Born. 

"Wait!" you say. "We haven't read it yet!"

No fear, gentle reader, I'm providing you with a slew of them. :)

"Where shall we share them?" you add. 

The usual places: facebook, twitter, blogs, Pinterest (I've already added a few, so all you have to do is push share), Goodreads has a place you can add them too. One point per share. 

First line: 
The night was so deep the shadows seemed to bleed darkness. 

A kiss: 
Joshen tipped her chin up and kissed her. He was always soft and gentle, but today Senna felt an undeniable hunger somewhere deep inside him. He was trying to suppress it. But she didn’t want that. She wanted him to banish the lingering foulness of the curse and the fear that had never released her from its sweaty grasp, replacing all of that with the sweet taste of his mouth. 

Joshen's brown hair hung over his forehead in waves. His gray eyes—the color of snow in the shade—stood out on his tanned face. The skin around his eyes was creased, as if he never stopped smiling long enough for the lines to smooth out. 

From the cover: 
The vines of the chesli plants twined partway up the trees. Only visible on a moonless night, the flower’s fuzzy, pollen-scattered centers glowed golden. Moths and insects of a hundred varieties flitted anxiously from one flower to the next, lugging glowing pollen that dusted the air like a thousand falling stars.

“One can’t sacrifice a higher law for a lower one.”
She stared at him.
Reden nodded to himself. “When you’re in that moment of decision, where right and wrong are so mixed up you can’t tell which is which, always remember to follow the higher law.”
It’s what he’d done when he’d sacrificed his home country for the world. “But how do you know which law is higher?”
“It’s usually the decision that’s harder at first, but better in the long run.”

Songs from Witch Born: 
Let not the curse of Witches 
Destroy a land of natural riches. 
Plants, preserve life in thy roots, 
Seeds sleep in earth, send forth no shoots 
Until the Witches shall disperse 
This terrible and unjust curse.
Magic rings and moonbeams,
Star giggles and shadow schemes,
Gallantly slip the singing streams.
The lion basks in the flower’s beams
In the garden of your dreams.
Ember to flame
Scorch and burn
To Cinders and ash

Leave your links! 

The winner from last week's contest is Mallary Mott! 


  1. I shared 3 of your quotes on goodreads! Here is the link to your quotes:
    I shared the first two you listed, as well as the first song. I follow your

  2. No need to win a copy, since I have one now, but great quotes.

  3. I posted a quote as a status update on facebook. Feel free to accept my friend request and come find it...

  4. OK, I'll make it easy on you...

  5. I`d love to participate, but the giveaway is international?

  6. Ah, great. This only makes me want to read the next installment more. Curse your awesome teasing, Amber! :)

  7. Thanks, Hannah!
    Cherie: I hope you love it.
    Doug: And done.:)
    Monica: I'd send you an ebook if you win.
    David: That's me. ;)

  8. Oh, I did that on Pinterest before you were done entering the quotes in, haha! The song about calming the sea gave me the chills! It's so good. And I shared the first line. I don't have the link right now, from my cell phone, but I think you saw that I was repinning them.

  9. I posted the first line on twitter (@chersti), goodreads, facebook, and repinned on pintrest.

    All under my name, Chersti Nieveen.

    So excited for this book!

  10. I tweeted a quote. @shouldbwriting
    "Hey amigo, I hope we win!" Another quote.

  11. I repinned one of your quotes and I also facebooked one of your quotes. I can't wait to read!

  12. I shared 3 quotes on twitter.

  13. I shared at least 3 quotes on Goodreads as Krystal Carson-I loved the first book and reviewed, I neeeeeeed this one =) edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOtcom Thank you for the awesome contest!
