
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Announcing Witch Born FINISHED!

The first draft is completed! I have to say, writing a sequel is a whole other animal than writing the first book in the series. I pushed myself beyond my limits, and I'm exceedingly proud of this one. It's better than Witch Song. More intricate, more intense, with a more solid ending.

There will not be another book after this one.

And I'm back to my writing cave. Thanks everyone for you input on the title. Most of you liked Witch Born, which was my favorite as well. So that's the title for now. I'm pretty sure it will stick, but you never know.

Now, let's see if I can write through this nasty cold.


  1. Yay! Awesome, finishing a book is an amazing accomplishment.

  2. Congratulations!! And I hope you feel better.

  3. Anthony: You're right. I need to celebrate that instead of worrying about edits.

    Cherie: Me too. I wish people (namely my kids) would stop talking to me. It hurts too much to respond!

  4. *Twiddles fingers* Excellent!

    I'm a fan of solid endings. So bring it on. And get better soon. :)

  5. Yay, congrats! And you already know I love the title. :)

  6. Congratulations, Amber! Drink a Dr. Pepper or something.

  7. Congrats! I voted for Witch Born!
    So anxious to read Witch Born.

  8. Congrats on finishing! Can't wait to read it!:)
