
Friday, June 3, 2011

Behold! Brusenna has arrived!

This is a beautiful moment. My book. My very own masterpiece. Right now, Brusenna is traveling the globe, headed to nearly 250 reviewers, some as far away as Australia and Greece. Watching it go creates an overwhelming medley of emotions.

Relief that we finally made it.

Pride in what I've accomplished.

Fear because I've sent something dear to me to people for judgement. And judge it they will.

There's also a sense that I need to let it go. This book has been a part of me. If people hate the book, it feels like they hate that part of me. Deep down, I know this won't be healthy.

So I'm turning my face away. Witch Song was something I did. It is not me. I'm exceedingly proud of it. But not everyone else will love it as I have.

And that's okay.

Also, I'd like to announce the WINNER of Matched by Ally Condie plus all kinds of signed swag. Congrats, Kris!


  1. I am so excited for you, Amber! To actually be holding a physical copy of all your hard work is so exciting. You are a very talented writer, and I am glad that the world is finally going to find that out. I can't wait until I get a copy!

  2. Congrats Amber! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to hold one in my hands sometime too!

  3. Yay! So excited for you! (and crossing my fingers that one of those ARCs are on it's way to my house! lol) Congrats, Amber!

  4. Congrats!! I hope all goes well. I'm really exited for Witch Song!! :)

  5. Sweet! Congratulations. Can't wait to read it!

  6. Sooo pretty ^_^. I got the egalley and am so excited to start reading it this weekend when I'll have free time.

  7. Congratulations, Amber!! :D How exciting for you! Can't wait to read it!

  8. no one will hate it!!! keep your head held high and LOVE this moment, because there are thousands of writers who are supporting you!!

  9. Congratulations, Amber! I have the egalley to get to very soon and I can't wait to dive into your words.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Exciting and scary both. But you make an excellent point. Can't wait until my copy arrives in September. Wow, that'll be soon ... (relatively).

  11. This is so great! Congratulations. I'm happy for you. Keep it up.

  12. Congrats, Amber! I just received an egalley of WITCH SONG. I was really excited to see it in my email!

    I can't wait to read and enjoy it! :)

    It must be so lovely to physically hold it in your hands!

  13. Becky: I wish you were here to experience it with me!

    Kristen: Ahhh! I know! Such a cool feeling.

    Theresa: You're getting one. Should be arriving sometime this month. :)

    Sakira: I'm glad!

    Shanda: :)

    Sandy: I hope you LOVE it. *crosses fingers*

    Chantele: You're on the list for the traveling ARC.

    Lindsay: I couldn't do it without all of you. I hope no one hates it, but I think that's inevitable.

    Stephanie: Crossing my fingers that you love it.

    Donna: THREE MONTHS! Can you believe it???

    Ben: Thanks!

    Bonnie: It's an surreal experience, for sure. I really hope you like it.

    Love ya all!

  14. YAYYY!!!!!!!!! So excited, Amber! I'm getting some cold feet over Monarch going out. It's a bit scary. :)

  15. Be at ease Amber. From what I've seen of it thus far, it's an impressive piece of work. Congratulations.

  16. Yep. The book belongs to the rest of the world now.

  17. What a beauty, can't wait till i am in ur shoes, now ur most recent stalker

  18. Michelle: That's a perfect way of describing it!

    Michael: Thanks. I hope you like it.

    Ricky: Exactly.

    J.O: Thanks. I'm in love with my cover.

  19. Congrats on receiving your book!! It's beautiful. I will continue spreading word :D

    And thanks for Matched and the swag. They came in today!! *squeal* Thanks. So. Much.


  20. That is so awesome Amber. Massive congratulations, you must be thrilled! The book looks amazing too.
