
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I don't do New Years Resolutions.

Why is it that every year people ask me what my New Years Resolutions are? I've never been able to understand the concept. Seems more like a procrastinators way of trying to get something done.

I'm kinda the opposite of a procrastinator. I'm a git 'er done type a girl. Why?

Because then I don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm free.

I set goals all the time, and I work at them daily. So just to silence all the queries, here's my current list:

1. Finish editing Witch Song and submit it to my agent before my baby is born.
2. Finish all my "nesting" cleaning (in case you're wondering--that means completing the 50 bullets list of things like: wash down all the walls in my house, clean out the garage, vacuum all the corners, wash the floorboars/windows/cupboards . . . you get the idea).
3. Apologize to husband and other children for ignoring/abandoning during said cleaning and try to make it up to them.

And last, but not least:

4. Find more joy in my life (I WILL FIND IT! Even if I have to kill someone to get it!)

1 comment:

  1. I don't do resolutions either. I just get things done when they need to get done. If I set a resolution, that's a sure-fire way to kill the excitement and turn it into something that won't get done.

    I hope you get more joy. You can find it. It's there, and you know it. :)
