
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Win an ARC of Witch Song

Share the countdown widget contest (by clicking on the "get widget" button under the widget. Then just copy and paste):
  • 5 pts for posting the countdown widget on your sidebar *extra 1 pt for posting it on the very top! Please leave it up until Sept 1st.
  • 2 pts for featuring the widget in a blog post
  • 1 pt for tweeting the link to this post:
  • 1 pt for posting to Facebook
  • 1 pt each for sharing anywhere else
Leave me your links or you will not be counted. The contest closes August 3rd.

Thank you in advance!

*Don't forget to enter to win Forbidden Sea by Sheila Nielson.

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Worst Fears

My daughter as an infant.
This past weekend, we decided to do a family day trip at a nearby cave system. As we waited for our turn on the tour, my 2 YO daughter fell head first off a picnic table. Even standing right next to her, I wasn't fast enough to save her. There was this awful hollow crack as her head hit the asphalt. I scooped her up. Instead of screaming in pain, she cried weakly. Then her little body went limp in my arms. Her eyes fluttered back.

My heart collapsed inside my chest and I cried for my husband. An eternity later, her eyes focused on me. We watched her closely after that. Especially her eyes, to make sure they were equally dilated and reactive to light. I also knew it would be really bad if she started throwing up.

After over half an hour of crying, she finally settled down. Later, my ER nurse sister-in-law checked her out and proclaimed her fine. She said that children knock themselves out easier than adults because of their softer bones. As long as she didn't have any symtoms of a concussion in the first two hours, she should be fine.

But for those few seconds, I stood on the precipice of my worst fears. That something bad would happen to one of my children. That I would have failed to prevent it.

What's your worst fear?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Review of Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson

From Goodreads

When Adrianne comes face-to-face with the mermaid of Windwaithe Island, she is convinced that the mermaid means her harm. After all, the island is steeped in stories of mermaids' curses and the ill-luck that they bring. But Adrianne is fierce-willed and courageous and is determined to protect her family and the islanders from danger. Yet when the islanders find out about Adrianne's encounters with the mermaid, her family is scorned. They believe that once active, the mermaid cannot be quieted until an islander sacrifices herself to the sea. But is the legend true? And will their fear make them force Adrienne to test it? This is a haunting story of love, surrender and strength.

My review:

Forbidden Sea is my favorite book of 2011 (besides my own, of course), easily catapulting itself onto my list of favorite books of all time. Sheila has a talent for seamlessly weaving beautiful descriptions and metaphors into this fast-paced novel. A few examples: "Despite the dancing sunshine . . . Seeing it now, so empty and dark, caused gossamer strands of sadness to drift over me like webs caught in the wind."

Like Cinderella, Adrianne is basically the mistreated servant of those who should love her. From the book, "They see only with their eyes, and are blinded to the truest treasure that stand before them dressed in the ordinary dust and sweat of a hard life." But unlike Cinderella, Adrianna isn't some damsel in distress waiting to be rescued by the prince. She's scrappy and loyal to a fault.

My only misgiving about the book was the ending felt a little rushed. Still, I'm positive the sequel (ahhh! I WANT!) will wrap things up rather nicely.

Full disclosure: I listened in on a presentation by Sheila and I loved the concept for her book. Thinking it would make a great giveaway book for my blog, I bought a copy.

I burned through the whole thing in one setting. Sorry people. I refuse to give up my white knuckle grip. IT'S MINE. Luckily for you, I told Sheila how much I adored her book and she sent me another to use in a giveaway.

*contest closed* So yes, you have the AMAZING opportunity to own a signed hardcover of this absolutely fantastic book.

Here's how you enter:
  • Post somewhere that you're excited about Witch Song OR Forbidden Sea with a backlink to my blog
  • Everywhere you post, you get one point.

On Twitter: Two fantastic book's I'm looking forward to: Witch Song by @amberargyle and Forbidden Sea by @sheilaanielson.

On Goodreads: Witch Song author Amber Argyle has been gushing about Forbidden Sea, now I have to go read it!

 On Facebook: @amberargyle and @sheilanielsonauthor should totally do a signing together for Witch Song and Forbidden Sea.

TALLY UP YOUR OWN POINTS AND LEAVE LINKS or you will not be counted.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Meeting The People Behind Rhemalda Publishing

The President and Vice President of Rhemalda, Rhett and Emmaline Hoffmeister, were driving through Utah a little while ago, so we contrived to meet at a McDonalds. While the kids played, we chatted books, publishing, and of course Witch Song.

It was so much fun to meet the people I've worked with so closely over the last year. I'm so thrilled to be with Rhemalda. They're always available for my questions or to reassure me during my moments of utter panic (I'm embarassed to admit that I've had more than one). They've given Witch a FREAKIN' FANTASTIC cover. We've been partners through the whole process.

You guys rock!

* Lisa at Lisa Loves Book was so inspired by Witch Song's cover, that she created an entire contest focusing on the expressive eyes on many covers coming out this year. And best of all, you can enter to win a copy of Witch Song. So head on over to test your knowledge of covers in "The Eyes Have It."

*If anyone sees any grammatical errors in Witch Song, let me know and I'll forward them on to my publisher so they can be corrected before the final printing.

I hope you are all well!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How Do You Say "Witch Song" in Indonesian?

Witch Song (Witch Song, #1)Because we just sold foreign rights to Serambi Publishing in Jakarta Selatan Indonesia! How cool is that? And yes, that's the big news I've hinted at a couple times.

I've been told it's really rare for a small publisher to sell foreign rights for their books (Rhemalda rocks!), and even more rare for debut authors to sell foreign rights. And Serambi came searching for us! And they're not the only ones. Another publisher in Indonesia just expressed an interest in Witch Song and we had to turn them down.

I'm so proud of my beautiful book, all grown up and going out into the world.

A quote from my publisher:

The finalization of this deal, along with interest from other publishers from around the world, is garnering additional attention. This along with the astoundingly positive reviews being given from bloggers all over the web is sure to fuel the rapid growth and popularity of WITCH SONG.

*big enormous sigh* It's such a satisfying feeling to see your book doing really well.

Oh, and I wanted to share this link with you Book Depository has Witch for $10.49, which is cheaper than MY cost. This is seriously where I'm buying my books to resale at my launch party.

Oh, oh and I have 6 ARCs I need to give away before my release in Sept. Any contest ideas (something to help promote the book)?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Riding Horses in a Lightning Storm

Our fireworks this Fourth of July carried a little more punch than your average roman candle. We had to cut out seven pairs of cows and their calves at a time and then chase them into a corral and up a chute to be loaded into trailers and hauled into the mountains for the summer.

Unfortunately, we were caught in a downpour. It was raining so hard I couldn't see, and I was as soaked as if I stepped into a shower fully clothed. Not to mention the lightning slamming into the ground. We finally gave up and headed for the barn. I pushed my horse into a gallop. He immediately humped his back and started crow hopping (not quite bucking, but seriously considering it).

Of course, I'd borrowed my Dad's cowboy hat and it ended up in the dirt. Not wanting to end up on the ground, I slowed him to a trot and we kept moving.

Maybe I'm crazy, but that was the most fun I've had in a while. :D